Know your Tits Bird Notebook with Envelope



Know your Tits Bird Nature Notebook with Envelope by Julian Williams

These notebooks have  64 pages and can be sent as a gift or thank you card.

The pages can be ripped out, like a shopping list or telephone pad.

Every page is uniquely illustrated with pictures of  European birds, butterflies and plants.

The back of the notebook includes an introductory text telling the reader interesting facts about of the butterfly/bird illustrated on the front cover


These bird notebooks are part of our Nature Notes Series

These cards include an introductory text on the back of the cards.  TEXT written on the back of this card reads:

Know Your Tits

Blue Tits are small acrobatic birds with pretty blue caps. They are very common visitors to the bird table

Great Tits are one of the largest tits easily identified by the black bibs that run in a thick black stripe over their bright yellow breasts.  In spring they have distinctive loud song and can often be seen singing high in the trees.

Long Tailed Tits are very social birds almost always seen in larger groups.  They will only visit the bird table if you put out suet balls

Marsh Tits and Willow tits.  These two species have black caps and look almost identical to each other.  Experienced birdwatchers separate the species by their call and wing stripes.  They are occasional visitors to bird tables

Coal Tits are identified by the white stripes that run down the nape of their necks.

Crested Tits live in pine forests. They have a widespread distribution in Europe, but in Britain are only found in Scotland



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