Unfortunately this card is not included for publication. Anita likes the title “Serenity”
(4 X 5 stars + 6 X 4 Stars)
Your views on which title works best are appreciated. Really surprised this has been rated so low. I thought Serenity was the perfect title for this card. It is unlikely to be chosen for publication this time.
Chosen for Publication: Anna likes the title “Sky’s the Limit”
This was not very highly ranked, but we are going with it because it is so different from other cards and we now have a good title
Winner Moira Ashley (you have £50 to spend on www.twobadmice.com)
(5 X 5 stars + 4X 4 Stars)
Places I would Go (going Places)
Sky’s the Limit
In Plane Sight
Your views on which title works best are appreciated. This card has a low anking, but ti is original and different which is why we will probably publish it all the same. If it is not to sit on the shelve a good title is important.
Chosen for Publication: Anna likes the title “Moonlight Picnic”
We very nearly went with Red Riding Friend, but Lizzie’s late entry clinched the prize.
winner Lizzie (you have £50 to spend on www.TwoBadMice.com)
(7 X 5 stars + 3 X 4 Stars)
Red Riding Friend
Catching a Ride
A Friendship is Born
Your views on which title works best are appreciated. I think the present title is too bare and adds nothing we do not know, a title that emphasizes the friendship improves this cards worth and use of the image as a greeting?
Unfortunately this card is not included for publication. This card will probably be published in the summer instead when we will have really good selection of titles to choose from and perhaps another winner
(9 X 5 stars + 3 X 4 Stars)
Share your Dreams (Dream Sharing)
Make a Wish
Starry Eyed
Another Super Star
Your views on which title works best are appreciated. Are any of the above titles better than Star Struck?
Unfortunately this card is not included for publication. The other beach card was ranked so much higher by competitors.
(15 X 5 stars + 5 X 4 Stars)
We do like ot be beside the Sea Side
Making a SPLASH
Oceans of Friends
Bay Watch
Your views on which title works best are appreciated. So much difference between this card and Chip by the Sea. Maybe we will hold off publishing this one this time.
Unfortunately this card is not included for publication. Anita likes the title “Soul Mates”
Such a good selection of titles to choose from. We have short listed this for publication in the summer in which case kbwgully will become a winner. kbwgully please keep watching to see if we ever go ahead and use your title!
(10 X 5 stars + 5 X 4 Stars)
Please Say Yes
Lets Hop Together
All Ears
Snuggle Buns
Meeting of Minds
Hoppisites Attract
Fancy a Dance
Made for Each Other
Soul Mates
Your views on which title works best are appreciated. The contributions of ideas really does show how much we gain from these title competitions. So many original idea – so many of them good. We always ask Anita to choose, I have no idea which she will like best. Whats your opinion/
Chosen for Publication Title : Anita chose to change her original title to Fair Lady
Winner JMPerez (£50 to spend on Two Bad Mice.com)
(10 X 5 stars + 5 X 4 Stars)
For You
Foxy Lady
Fair Lady
For Me?
The Answers Yes
Your views on which title works best are appreciated. “The Answers Yes” is very clever, original and fits well, but i am not sure how many people want a card with that on the front? Foxy Lady is an obvious title, personally it is not a phrase i have ever used.
Chosen for Publication Title : Feeding the Sparrows
Alison stayed with her original title. There were some funny ideas but nothing stood out as improving the potential of the card
(10 X 5 stars + 11 X 4 Stars)
Feeding the Sparrows
Oh Crumbs
Your views on which title works best are appreciated. Only Alison, with her quirky humour, can make dark cards that sell? A very high number of 4 stars, not sure how to read that.
Anita was never going to budge from this title, the words came before the title and it makes us all smile.
(12 X 5 stars + 3 X 4 Stars)
Is that your home, or did you just burrow it
Your views on which title works best are appreciated. This title will probably remain unchanged. Anita often likes the captions to be true to the original intentions. I thought “After You, My Dear” very clever but the expression on rabbits faces does not quite work
The title was first suggested before the competition by Julian who works in Two Bad Mice Office
(15 X 5 stars + 5 X 4 Stars)
Games Evening
Me to You
Are you Game
Your views on which title works best are appreciated. This card has done well in the rankings and we have a title which is better than Check Mate as a greeting.
Chosen for Publication Title : Fran has chosen At Home
This title was first suggested by Nikki before the competition who works in our office
(13 X 5 stars + 2 X 4 Stars)
At Home
Home Office
A Night in
All the Comforts
Your views on which title works best are appreciated. We are obviously going to publish this one. We did not want to make it a lockdown card, which si why we went for “at home2 rather than “working from home”
Chosen for Publication Title Anna wants to keep Star Catcher
(14 X 5 stars + 4 X 4 Stars)
Fish upon a Star
Catch a Falling Star
Wish upon a Star
Moon Gazing
Your views on which title works best are appreciated. We expected this to be very highly rated, and that is what happened. Some of the alternative titles are very good. Which works for you?
Your views on which title works best are appreciated. Babysitting is probably first choice, I thought Child’s Play is the clever title because it has two meanings and sums the card up in multiple ways. But perhaps Babysitting is the safe option?
Your views on which title works best are appreciated. This card was put into the competition late, yet it is ranked no 3! People want to associate it with waking up in the morning and seeing something beautiful
I have collated every scrap of information on to sheets, all the information is being scrutinised very carefully. Often your reasons for not wanting to buy a card are as informative and your reasons for liking a card, we know which cards to print in lower quantities and get clearer insights about how the cards are being used. As an entrant I thought you might enjoy an abbreviated summary in which the cards are sorted in order of popularity. Prizes winner will be announced in a later email
Silvery Moon by Fran Evans
3 star 21 / 2 star Amongst title ideas: “Some Enchanted Evening” and “Silvery Moon”
3 star 21 / 2 star 6 Title ideas included Badgers Drift and Busy Bees
3 star x 21 / 2 star x 6 Title Ideas include Only Ewe and Black Sheep
3 star x 21 2 star x 5 Title Ideas include Big Hugs and Let’s Cuddle
3 star 21 2 star 5 Title Ideas include How to make a cup of Coffee and Barista Boys
3 Star x 21 2 star x 5 Title Ideas Include Family Album and Baby Days
3 stars x 20 / 2 stars x 9 / Title Ideas Include Have you Heard and Smile Now
3 Stars x 20 / 2 stars x 6 / Title Ideas include Winter’s Feast and Let’s Do Lunch
3 stars x 20 / 2 stars x 6 / Title Ideas Include Everyone Welcome and Lazy Days of Summer
3 star x 19 / 2 star x 5 / Title Ideas include Green Paws and Pottering around
3 star x 18 / 2 star x 8
3 star 17 / 2 star 12 / Title Ideas include Swan Lake and Mated for Life
3 Stars x 17 / 2 stars 11 / title Ideas include Ocean’s Bounty and Shoaling
3 Star x 17 / 2 star x 8 / Title ideas include Springtime and Sing Your Heart Out
3 star 16 / 2 star 7 / Title Ideas include Special Delivery and Nice to Keep in Touch
3 star x 16 / 2 star x 6 / title Ideas include Thinking of You and You’re Always on my mind
3 Star x 15 / 2 Star x 15 / Title Ideas include Lets Dance and Who Spiked the Tea
3 star x 15 / 2 star x 12 / Title Ideas include Let’s Adventure and Stepping Stones
3 Star x 15 / 2 star x 11 / Title ideas include Still Life and Going Potty
3 star x 15 / 2 star x 10 / Title ideas My Cherry Blossom and Time to Chatter
3 stars x 15 / 2 stars x 9 / Title Ideas A Special Guest and Guess who’s coming to Dinner?
3 Star x 15 2 star x 9 / Title Ideas One of a Kind and On the Lookout
3 stars 15 / two stars 7 / Title ideas include Sweet Reward and Red Berries
3 stars x 14 / 2 stars x 9 / Title ideas Fine Dining and The Good Life
3 star x 14 / 2 star x 11/ You’re the Best and Pick of the Crop
3 star x 13 / 2 star x 13
3 star x 13 / 2 star x 10 Suggested Title – Happiness in Blue and Yellow
3 stars x 13 / 2 stars x 10 / Title ideas Yummy and Purrfect Soup
3 stars x 12 / 2 stars x 10 / Title Ideas A Rooftop Picnic and House Sitting
3 stars x 12 / 2 stars x 8 / Title ideas include Hear my Song and Welcome to the World
3 stars x 11 / 2 stars x 9 / Title ideas include Thistle Tweakers
3 star x 11 / 2 star x 10 / Title ideas include Butterfly Chase and Gently Does it
3 star x 10 / 2 star x 12 / Title ideas include Feather Fun and Lets Party
3 star x 10 / 2 star x 10 / Title ideas include Queen for a Day and I had the worst nights Sleep
3 star x 10 / 2 star x 12 / Title ideas include A Place in the Sun and Pottering Around
3 stars x 9 / 2 stars x 10 / Title ideas include By the Light…. and Moonlight rendezvous
3 stars x 9 / 2 stars x 7 / Title ideas include Travelers Tales and Are we There Yet